DK – Green Frog Hat

DK – Green Frog Hat

The idea for a frog hat came from the green wool I noticed in the wool shop!

It was a quick and easy project, all I needed to do is use the basic liner and outer for the basic hat pattern I re-use, then design the frogs eyes

The frog hat eyes, knitsrus, knitting pattern
The frog hat eyes

then sew the frogs eyes at the top of the hat

The frogs eyes needed sewing at the top of its head, knitting patern, knitsrus
The frogs eyes needed sewing at the top of its head

Just the nose to embroider then!

To black dashes embroidered for the frogs nostrils, knitsrus, knitting pattern
To black dashes embroidered for the frogs nostrils

and the plaits and its ready

The green frog hat, knitting pattern, knitsrus
The green frog hat

You couldn’t have asked for a bigger grin than this!

Corey's HUGH grin in the frog hat, knitting patterns, knitsrus
Corey’s HUGH grin in the frog hat
Nancy from Grand Haven Michigan, USA sent the following photos of her frog hats.
Frog hats Michigan
Frog hats Michigan

frog hats michigan inside

Nancy cleverly used different colours inside the top of the hats so the girls would know which hat was theirs.
Nancy’s adorable frogs!
3 adorable frogs
3 adorable frogs

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