Pink Zebra Hat

Pink Zebra Hat

Another young lady requested I designed and knit a Pink Zebra.  I had a picture in my head what Zebra heads looked like, but thought I had better research it on google, wow, they don’t look like I thought.

I needed to design a more shaped black nose than I had done for the reindeer hat, shaped ears with black tips, a tuft between its ears and a way of getting the stripes for the Zebra’s face onto the hat shape,

The shaped black nose.

Shaped black knitted Zebra nose, knitting pattern, knits r us
Shaped black knitted Zebra nose

Shaped ears with black tips.

Knitted Zebra ears with black tips, knitting pattern, knits r us
Knitted Zebra ears with black tips

Black tuft between the ears for the Zebra’s mane

Black tuft of black wool between the knitted Zebra's ears, knitting pattern, knits r us
Black tuft of black wool between the knitted Zebra’s ears

The front view of the Zebra hat

Front view of the knitted Pink Zebra hat, knitting pattern, knits r us
Front view of the knitted Pink Zebra hat

The back view of the Zebra hat

Back view of the knitted Pink Zebra hat
Back view of the knitted Pink Zebra hat

I hope you like the pattern

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